Monday, May 7, 2012

May The 7th

Good Evening May lovers. (Sorry for the picture galore!)

Yes yes it was a lovely day of May where I moved all my dorm stuff back home. Busy day. 

But now onto more important things:

Puppies puppies puppies!!!
I have always been a dog person. It has been my dream to grow up and have a lovely house and have a dog with me. I love dogs! They are so adorable and FLUFFY! And I did have a dog when I was about 5 years old, but my parents gave it away because it was too crazy for us. (I was forever sad)

And since then, I have always wanted a dog again. And ever since I saw "The Artist," I fell in love with the Jack Terrier Russel. 
Jack Terrier Russel I want! (From "The Artist")
Just look at it. The cute eyes. The way it smiles. The fluffiness of it. It is cute. It is the dog of my dreams. This is the dog I imagine myself with when i grow old. It is gorgeous.
Cute Puppy!
And since the beginning of May this year, I have fallen in this puppy fever! I want a puppy. A Jack Terrier Russel Puppy. It is as simple as that. This feeling in my heart won't go away. I want a puppy so I can love it with my whole heart. I will love it and take care of it and give it all the attention it deserves. PUPPPYYY!!!!!! 
Another cute shot of Dog!
Maybe I fell in this puppy fever because I need a happy energy around me. Which is what I want from May: Pure Happiness! And I hope that I can have a  nice, bouncy, and happy friend that will cuddle and protect me. 

It may sound weird, but oh well. I love puppies! :)

Good Night May Lovers! - says awesome dog

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